Oct 01, 2004 14:42

I am sure there are many of you out there who do care about this matter at all. However, I think we all should. I feel like Politics in our country are very important. I think thats Biblical. We should keep up. Especially us young people, because it does matter, whether you think so or not. Even if you aren't old enough to vote, I challege ( Read more... )

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Excellent Response artsmystery October 2 2004, 09:24:36 UTC
Hey there. I just wanted to let you know that was a very respectable answer. I completely agree with everything you said. Kerry did hold himself better in the debate, no doubt. However, I believe Bush is more down to earth like the people and I think its awesome that we can have a "real" person as president and not someone that has been molded by the brilliant mind of the political science genius.
I by no means think either candidate is perfect. I respect how Bush, I believe, really searches for the right choice just like you and I would, and that is by using God to guide him. It was also interesting that Kerry in 2003 quoted "If there is a man that didn't feel like Sadaam and Iraq are a threat to our country, than he doesn't deserve to be president of the United States." He voted for the war on Iraq. Now all of a sudden he is completely against it trying to rip Bush for going there to begin with. Pretty bold considering he voted for the war. He knows that to win the election he has to take that stance. It's politics. Because of that, he is taking it even if it completely contradicts what he previously said. Most Americans don't keep up enough to know these things anyway, so he can get by with it.
Bush does need to work on his presentation skills. I think that it really does hurt him in many ways. Thats the way America is. I have more to say, but Ill stop there for now. Happy Birthday!! and I love you.



Re: Excellent Response thebleedingrose October 2 2004, 09:34:48 UTC
thank you i love you too.


Re: Excellent Response fragilevision October 2 2004, 11:01:13 UTC
hrm, i'm understanding your point, and like you i think bush is (somewhat) respectable. kerry on the other hand would be my choice if i was old enough to vote. i think in the debate he cleared up why he voted to give bush the power to go to war. i think thats a big misconception. Kerry voted to give him the choice, and bush said that he would go on 'last resort' and as everyone knows he sent our troops right on over. its been a long time since he said "mission accomplished" and we are still over there, trying to build a democracy in absolute chaos. he went without a plan for democracy. kerry voted the way he did because he knew something had to be done with terriorism. but why if i may ask are we now in iraq? it just doesn't make since to me. and while bush gives the "down to earth, country boy" approach to everything, thats how he wins votes..and he knows it. its a political strategy.
i will vote for the person, although i share 99.9% of my views with the democratic party.


Re: Excellent Response the_black_sun October 2 2004, 13:59:37 UTC
On the subject of Iraq, we are there for a variety of reasons (now). If we leave now without leaving a strong government in place, we will have a situation where the Islamic clerics battle for control and eventually we will have another Iran on our hands. Iran is a powder keg that will eventually blow up in that region. Secondly, terrorists are inside of Iraq now and are fighting our troops. If we leave now, they will have a foothold in yet another country and its Afganistan all over again. Thirdly, like it or not, our government strongly wants a democratic state in that region. I for one believe they want it there to show the other nations that it can be done in an Islamic state and they can still practice their religion and its not just a puppet for Christiandom. Secondly, it can be used, like it or not, as a propoganda machine against some of the military and Islamic states so that perhaps we won't have to go in ourselves and the people in those nations may bring about democracy within. Finally, we learned in the '60's that if you leave without finishing the job (Vietnam), the problem will not correct itself and it lead to a tyranical government that oppresses its own people (Jong gov't in North Vietnam). The people of Iraq deserve a chance at true peace and their own government that will not oppress and kill their own citizens on a whim.


Re: Excellent Response artsmystery October 3 2004, 21:13:20 UTC
I agree.


Re: Excellent Response artsmystery October 3 2004, 21:09:59 UTC
Hi, I respect your opinion, although I highly disagree with your points made. 99.9% is a large percentage to favor a party for. In other words you are a die hard democrat. Otherwise, it wouldn't be 99.9 %. I will say, don't take anything said in this Political Discussion personally, because its not. I think Kerry won the debate. No questions asked. Yes, Bush sent our troops right on over, and Yes Kerry voted for the war and as I stated earlier quoted that Sadaam is a HUGE Threat and Iraq needed to be attacked. You dont say that. No he didnt clear up why he gave Bush the power to go to war. Also, its not like Bush is the only won that decided. It was voted on by the Congress. So one man can't be blamed for the decision of hundreds of people. He is the head of the decision, but without the congress, he couldn't have made that decison.
Kerry didn't vote on defeating terrorism only dear, he voted on attacking Iraq. There is a big difference. The vote wasn't to defeat terrorism. I mean WHO in the world wouldn't vote against stopping terrorism? Everyone would of course. He voted to attack Iraq, and thats the bottom line. Now, he has to take a stance agaist that to win, because thats what the democratic party says he has to do. They are right. That is the stance he has to take, and he is doing it. Its politics, like you said. However, its ironic, that is all flip-flopped from his original opinions. That is cold hard evidence. Bill Clinton himself said that.
I guess 1.2 million people dying under the rule of Sadaam doesn't have merit to many Americans. Not saying thats true about you. Bush or his staff never said it would be a quick process. Our 1,000 troop


Re: Excellent Response the_black_sun October 4 2004, 05:18:04 UTC
Many of the Islamic mouthpieces are right about us as Americans. Many of our people don't have the stomach for war. We allow the media to tell us how we feel rather than study the issues and decide for ourselves. We are lazy.


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