Jun 12, 2004 01:55
Today we had a day off after three shows in a row so that was nice. We left Fayetteville around 1 pm this afternoon and arrived in Kansas City about 6 ish. We had a superb meal here at our hotel in Downtown Kansas City. It was great actually. This place is nice. INternet access is always good. We play tomorrow in a place known as Jurasic Park which is the most dangerous place in KC. Infact, homeless people were telling us we didnt want to go there, so please pray for us. I believe God has something awesome in store though. All the bands got together tonight and did some praise and worship and had a meeting to share recent blessings. It was very uplifting. Kingsdown has been very blessed, and thanks to all of you who keep us and this tour in your prayers. We are having such a great time and all the bands are so cool. We have made really good friends with so many different people.
Tonight Jonas, Aaron and I walked around downtown, PARTY CENTRAL....but we went to a coffee house and enjoyed some Espresso. It was nice. I think we are staying here tomorrow as well. For those of you who do not know. Dearest Nameless, was the second most added song to Christian Rock Radio in the Country last week. You can check it out officially on the r and r charts and such. That was the pre-ad week as well. Anyway, abundant blessings. God is amazing. I hope you all are doing well. We miss all of you so much. We know God has us here for many reasons. Keep us in your prayers, as we pray for you.
The green trees shine through this whole in my head. A wonder party known only to the writer of the typist club. They printed me, stamped me and mailed me to you. A she. Three things are in store for the store I sold to you. A mirror so edged in cut my face image, and blurred the twinkle that once lay in my eye. Its back. It was captive. Now I took it, with that authority. Overcame. The real network is these inner wires that would wrap the earth twice. So they say. love all