More progress on the dwarf picture.
See this? I'm working on the same image for more than one day again. Lesson applied.
More progress on the Dregha image. Started working with the armor and trying to get some form, lighting and decorations started. It's the Warden Commander armor from the Warden's Keep add on, by the way. I like that armor. :)
Again, given I want to do well in this contest, crits are welcome, especially since I'm new to the terrifyingness of armor. Somehow, I think texture is going to play a huge role in making the armor look believable. I'm kind of excited to get to that point.
Oh, and of course, five minute sketch time! Again, it's Malia to keep my theme going. None of my other characters seem to want to come out, yet, so here's a quickie of her. She knows most of you pretty well by now, anyway. :P
I had a bad day so I'm going to bed now. :P