duskglass 25-32

Jul 04, 2018 04:09

end-of-june update!!

MINICOMIC PROGRESS: my goal was to finish sketching all the pages by the end of the month; unfortunately I got bogged down by my insurmountable hatred of thumbnails so I'm running a little behind. progress has picked up again after abandoning the thumbs though! (gonna have to find a better solution eventually, but for now jumping straight to full size sketches seems to be the best option.... at least better than trying to force myself through a step i hate so much i get nothing done at all)

comic wips will only be posted to discord for the moment (imo they're not worth the effort of importing here); in the meantime, sketches of younger Conor and Nenve, since I was thinking about how they first met!

(these two have a sibling-like relationship)

more Koryn design stuff, this time for the top of his armour:

as noted in the image, the chest area was deliberately left bare and unprotected; this was so they could easily impale him and return him to ‘hibernation’ mode.

both Koryn and Aginor are implanted with powerful ‘relics’ said to once belong to the legendary figure known only as Seeker; Kor's right arm is a weapon known as ‘Seeker's Gauntlet’, while Aginor's implant is not immediately visible, embedded in his chest.

both in the battle-slave armour:

Aginor feigned compliance/obedience (unlike Kor) and was granted a bit more freedom as a result; he was rewarded with better-quality armour and remained conscious between missions.

monster monday scribbs:

(that eldritchy sky monster is finally starting to look how i want it! others are still just very rough wips)


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