duskglass 22-24

Jun 25, 2018 13:06

been tired and busy, but here's a few things... sorry I haven't been keeping up with comments here ;o;

first, a quick update to last week's WBW topic! I finished drawing out Jinn's personal items:

(decided to leave the pack contents as a simple list; a lot of her more general supplies would be pretty similar to Zev's and I didn't feel like doin another set of p much the same stuff)

annnnnd here's a bit of elaboration on Kor!
as mentioned previously, he doesn't carry any items at all- this is partly out of habit, part not giving a shit, part because his terrible garbage clothes have no pockets... and since I've mentioned his awful fashion a few times, I doodled up a little page about it:

Koryn has some shapeshifting abilities that have a chance of altering his proportions and/or sprouting extra appendages, so he can't really wear normal trousers without a very high chance of completely shredding them- those stupid chaps are a holdover from his ‘human weapon’ days, specifically designed to accomodate his shapeshifting and almost as durable as he is (not that anyone in charge particularly cared about his welfare; they were just tired of constantly re-clothing him). anyway, he currently lacks the resources to replace them (or the self-awareness to want to) so that's just how it is. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

my first Fanart Friday pic of this slam, for varethane on the discord group! her flamey gal Tiara:

and some more of THESE NERDS:


(i feel like i had something more substantial to say about these but i'm Too Tired... gonna just call this post done lol)


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