They're playing the same Game from Ur that Girinanna and Tawassi where playing haha, it's basically 'Trouble'! Uparmiya gets really mad because as you can see from the pieces she was winning real hard but was unable to roll the exact number you need to exit the board for all the turns it took for Apama to win haha which is why she is such a sore loser. Clearchus is talking about playing 'astragaloi' which just means knucklebones haha, but it's basically jacks, while they are using the knucklebones as dice (since each side is different, but because they are rectanglular it never lands on the two small edges so there is only 4 sides). I remembered reading that in Mongolia or something the sides of the knuckles bones are named horse, cow, sheep and camel (I think...) so I kind of based their words off of that because it's more exciting than 'omg roll a 4'.