Jun 04, 2013 04:44

I didn't do enough stuff on day 2 so I waited till day 3 and did like pile load of face studies....and drew some of them from a very unflattering photos.
Everyone will laugh
or cover their eyes in horror.
AlsoyesIknowit'stechnicallyday4butIwanttouploadthisseperately >:I

Amy Winehouse and the abusive asshole who needs a brick to the face Blake Fielder-Civil, also Adele and Jessie Jay.

One of my projects for college revolves around making an icon around a celebrity, and I got Amy Winehouse. So this page I was just finishing up painting things she was associated with, like inspiring British female artists and her relationships and drug problems.

I painted all of these freehand so they're all kinda crap.

Also this is what my room looked like when I was doing the face studies below. It tends to be amazing when it's not a mess later in the day even if I haven't actively cleared it up.

Excuse the crappy photo quality, but it is sort of maybe clear enough to see the majority of the details.

Sooooo that photos and the combination....I look like a cyclops. A gorilla cyclops. I'm just laughing so hard.
Also the mark on my second full-ish face is unintentional and I can't get rid of it. ;;

I reaaaaaaally like the bottom set of eyes, it's the clearest I could draw them (since the smaller photo with more detail in it has gone missing) so I had to do some artistic licensing. >.>

Overall I'm pretty pleased with these and glad to have the pencil lot done, I tried to keep the shading relatively minimal since most of the examples they shown us weren't like fully tonal or anything (seemed like they only used one pencil). I need to do pen ones next, and then I'll have two pages of experimental studies with like paint and charcoal and stuffs. Just slap stuff on a page and hope it works really.

ANYWAY it's nearly 5am I need to go to college...can't miss anymore days this week.

So later everyone.

As always critique/suggestions and what not are welcome. c:

Also I need to make a banner.


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