obliviousally // DAY 01

Jun 01, 2013 22:27

Everyone has such nice banners for their posts! I'm jealous. :V

I'm Ally! I doodle dumb animal people, which is what both June and July are going to consist of for me this year - just in different genres.

Ahh, my first post for ArtSlam is kind of weak in comparison to what I wanted to do, but that’s okay! A little at a time.

Anyhow, for June, I’m planning on actually putting down solid info for my long standing anthro characters and their universe, which I’ve dubbed Ninety Seven/’97 (as that’s the year I started creating many of them, among other reasons). I’m thinking about doing images of them as they were in high school (that’s when I started creating them and the ages I made them initially) and then images of them now and how they’ve changed/grown. I want to slip in characters that’s they’re entangled with, as well, that were created by friends and such. That’s a maybe, depends on if I can get my initial plan done!

The ‘97 universe is modern day, though there’s been many things tossed into it that make it a little crazier. Paranormal and supernatural things (vampires and werewolves exist, for example), and other things that my friends and I have done because, well, it’s our sandbox. But it’s fun to try to make things make sense and work within that, for me. There’s a lot in the universe that is really cheesy and a lot that has that slight Mary Sue haze - I was 14 when I started making characters. I can be forgiven for that, haha. I think it’s almost more interesting to take those ham-fisted backstories and plots and make them work out in the long run instead of completely revamping a character. I’m too attached to them, good and bad character development decision-wise, to do something like that,

So! This is Gwen. She’s a Cheshire Cat who can’t do her cheshire trick properly (she can go invisible, but she can’t ‘come back’ from it, so to speak). She had a poor upbringing and a mother who really was never there for her. She was raised in California, but moved to NYC when she was in high school, where she met the rest of the group she’s been close with ever since. She has a long-term boyfriend, named Spazz, who’s a snow leopard. She’s friendly and spunky, a former kandi-kid and rave kid, she grew up without much supervision, but turned out alright. She works at a record store in the city.

I thought, since LJ's formatting and posting is so much nicer than tumblr's sometimes, I'd throw in a few other pics I've been working on that are probably going to be a part of what I'm doing for June anyhow. It's like a bonus!

This is what initially gave me the idea to go through and refine my characters. This is Phoenix (Phe - pronounced 'fee' - for short) and she's always been the core character of my in the '97 universe. She was pretty Mary Sue-ish back when I was younger, but I've used those bad ideas (which I can't throw away because I'm strange like that) to mold her into what she is today. Basically, she went from a grossly over confident and scarily possessive chick to an adult with a personality disorder she's going to a therapist/psycharitist (I can never remember the difference, I'm horrible at this) in a good relationship with her long-time on-again/off-again boyfriend.

Also, she's a daywalker. Because of course she is. But I think one of the fun things about incorporating supernatural elements into something modern day is kind of downplaying them for more human struggles.

Okay, enough rambling. I'm out to look at others' posts~!


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