Steve in Dreamland series masterpost

Aug 31, 2020 00:30

Series title : Steve in Dreamland
Author : siriala
Rating : NC-17
Word count : 53k
Fandom : Hawaii Five-0 (2010)
Characters : Danny Williams, Steve McGarrett, Tani Rey, Junior Reigns, Kono Kalakaua, Chin Ho Kelly, Lou Grover, Adam Noshimuri, Grace Williams, Rachel Edwards
Pairings : Danny/Steve
Beta : the wonderful and incredible honscot
Disclaimer : balivernes et billevesées, hokum and twaddle. Hawaii Five-0 (2010) and its characters belong to CBS, I'm just playing with them temporarily.
Warnings/enticements : erotic dreams, sexual fantasies, first time, friends to lovers, pining, top!Danny, bottom!Steve, kinks, see each story for more warnings

Summary : Steve comes to terms with his attraction and feelings for Danny through a string of weird sex dreams.

1/ Steviana McGarrett and the Irish mummy on LJ or A03
2/ Lollipop Steve and the planet of the giants on LJ or A03
3/ Voulez-vous guincher avec moi ? on LJ or A03
4/ Brigadier McGarrett meets the Marquis de Sade on LJ or A03
5/ Easy Virtue and the favorite customer on LJ or A03
6/ Steve McGarrett and the bad case of the heebie-jeebies on LJ or A03
7/ The St-eve in a strange land on LJ or A03
8/ Steve McGarrett and the ball and chain on LJ (part 1) or A03

character: danny williams, pairing: danny/steve, tvshow: hawaii five-0, character: steve mcgarrett, masterpost, slash, series: steve in dreamland

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