The monster's ID (Forbidden love) masterpost

Jul 05, 2018 21:49

Title : The monster's ID (Forbidden love)
Author : siriala
Artist : eprimacol
Movie prompt : Forbidden Planet
Rating : NC-17
Word count : 58 K
Fandom : J2, CW RPS
Genre : space AU, futuristic fantasy, slash
Pairings : J2
Characters : Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Misha Collins, Adam J. Harrington, Danneel Harris, Gil McKinney, Ty Olsson, Chad Michael Murray, Adrianne Palicki, Jim Beaver, Genevieve Cortese, Adrian Holmes…
Disclaimer : balivernes et billevesées, hokum and twaddle. This is all fiction.
Warnings/enticements : minor character deaths, top!Jensen, bottom!Jared, bigger age difference between J2 (Jared 18 - Jensen about 30), mention of dub-con pairing (not the boys)

Summary : Eighteen years without seeing another human being than his dad, and then Jensen appeared…

As soon as the ship and her proud captain showed up on Jardina 4, it was love at first sight for Jared. But his dad was not as happy about his choice for a lover, and even less about the danger lurking that could very well kill them all now that it had been awakened by the Arcadia.

Notes : I'm finally posting here the story I wrote for spn_cinema 2017. I saw Forbidden Planet many moons ago when I was a little kid and was very impressed by the monster, which explained why I had the idea for this story in the first place. I saw it again recently, and although it's clearly a product of its time tech-wise and concerning women's roles (not one to be found in the crew ! only the young and naïve Alta, daughter of one of the main characters, and the obligatory love interest), it's still quite pleasant, the music is still very weird, and I remembered why it was one of my favorite sci-fi movies back in the day.

As one of the ways to make it a bit more modern, I thought it would be amusing to use the already known Star Trek universe, especially the one glimpsed in the 2009 reboot, to place my own story - although I set it later in time. Amusing was a relative term because nothing is more complicated than spouting technobabble in a language you don't speak fluently ! and reading more than a few McKirk fics does not make much for mastering the lingo. I'm sure I screwed up, not to mention I took all the liberties I wanted, so if you're a purist, please avoid this story. Anyway, I played with both universes and took only what I wanted out of each of them ; in particular, I am aware that Star Trek starships don't usually land, but I needed this one to be able to, so let's just say it's a new class of starships and live with it ;)

As eprimacol and I chose to work together again early on and she already knew the movie, I had the chance to be inspired by her gorgeous art and thoughtful suggestions, so I want to thank her again for this collaboration. The pics are embedded in the fic but you can see it all on her LJ. Prepare to be amazed !

More heartfelt thanks to my wonderful beta honscot who worked fast - this story never seemed to come to an end, RL conspired against me more than once, and I had the worst case of writer's block in regards to some scenes - and yet with her usual depth. Last but not least, thanks to the mods, not only for organizing the challenge, but for being cool and allowing us to post on Amnesty day, since I wouldn't have been able to make it otherwise.

Day 1 / Night 1 | Day 2 / Night 2 / Day 3 | Night 3 / Day 4 / Night 4 / Day 5 | Night 5 / Day 6 / Night 6 / Day 7 | Night 7 / Day 8 / Night 8 | Day 9 / Epilogue | AO3

pairing: j2, actor: jeffrey dean morgan, challenge: spn_cinema, slash, actor: jared padalecki, actress: danneel harris ackles, masterpost, actor: jensen ackles, fic

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