The long out-of-print TRAVIS RYAN / DEATH BY A THOUSAND CUTS split CD is now available for digital download @ ABOUT THE RELEASE:
One of the more interesting pairings of harsh, electronic horror, upstart noise duo Death By A Thousand Cuts team up with CATTLE DECAPITATION vocalist Travis Ryan to transmit an hour of grim, nightmarish drone noise. Travis Ryan's four tracks open the disc with an edgy, paranoid ambience that mixes environmental buzzes and electronic hum with blurry theremin melodies and hushed buzzsaw tones, evoking the faint but discernible hum of electricity you feel when standing at the edge of an urban landscape in the middle of the night. Occasionally Ryan's droning dread lurches into a staticky overload that recalls the chopped up circuit burn of John Wiese, but more often drifts through a halogen-lit dreamworld similar to a grittier, urban take on Glass Throat Records atmospherics.
The other side of this split is haunted by Death By A Thousand Cut's nightmarish free electronic designs. DBATC's industrial hallucinations are conjured from noxious bass sinewaves and cloudy keyboard drones, curling upwards out of metal-on-metal carnage and blasts of laser-beam effects pedal violence, and the music becomes strangely beautiful, especially with the cosmic, Troum-meets-Bastard Noise insectoid frequencies of the final track "Approach Of The Black Claw".
STILL AVAILABLE from Chrome Peeler Records:
Unearthly Trance / The Endless Blockade "split" LP (doom vs. power violence)
Merzbow / The Guilt of... "split" LP (Japanese noise legend vs. EYEHATEGOD side project)
Mike IX Williams "That's What the Obituary Said" 7"+poster (EYEHATEGOD vocalist)