
Jun 05, 2013 17:28

Title: The New Kingdom
Rating: general audience
Characters: Castiel (God!Castiel)
Warnings: angst?

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tsuminoaru, !round 2

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Comments 21

playthefool June 5 2013, 15:38:35 UTC
So, so cool. I love the composition, the color scheme, the empty eyes... Gives me chills!


tsuminoaru June 5 2013, 16:24:19 UTC
thank you! I planed something different first but then it just got away from me, luckily it still fills the prompt :)


salty_catfish June 5 2013, 15:48:49 UTC
Amazing :D


tsuminoaru June 5 2013, 16:22:38 UTC
thank you :D


amberdreams June 5 2013, 16:22:42 UTC
That is scary and awesome. I love how Cas is walking out of the background and how the background is bleeding into the white border. And Castiel's eyes are really creepy!


tsuminoaru June 5 2013, 16:26:31 UTC
thank you, that's exactly what I tried to achieve. so, success \o/


amberdreams June 5 2013, 16:45:44 UTC


etoile_etiolee June 5 2013, 16:33:58 UTC
Great work. Overall haunting and creepy but beautiful still.


tsuminoaru June 5 2013, 16:47:33 UTC
thank you! I love drawing creepy stuff (even though all I read is fluff 80% of time xD")


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tsuminoaru June 5 2013, 16:46:16 UTC
thank you :3
ah, I work in photoshop CS4. I painted Castiel first with a vague background image in mind and then searched for an according landscape picture (that I tweaked to fit my idea. I wanted it to look a bit more like Purgatory, imagening God!stiel would make Earth and Heaven look like that, and make it even more a waste land in the end)
the bg pic was this http://browse.deviantart.com/art/Wasteland-335838912 :)


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