I realize I've somewhat neglected to talk about my recent Reiki experiences over the past month or so. I've been seeing
Patti Penn for Reiki and my EFT work and I am absolutely stunned at what a huge difference it has made in me.
I went in initially to overcome some fears and hangups I have. She helped me work on those issues and within a few short sessions I was almost completely over them. Now and then I still feel a little twinge of anxiety about the issues, but it's nowhere NEAR where it used to be. She helped me get it under control so much that when I had an event coming up which would require me to face those fears, I actually forgot for most of the week leading up to it that it was happening at all. I just wasn't concerned about it. And when the time came to face it, I had only the mildest anxiety... which was more about me being worried that I would start worrying than anything else. That is an astronomical difference from last time I was in a similar situation.
I've been interested in Reiki for a number of years and I actually almost started studying it about five years ago, but I allowed myself to be talked out of it by some very well-meaning, but ultimately incorrect, people. But, as often happens in life, I never fully forgot it and felt myself being drawn to it again recently. My actual experience with it, seeing first hand what a huge impact it had on me, sealed the deal and I decided I would start learning Reiki.
It occurs to me that not everyone reading will know what Reiki is. Reiki is an energy-healing method, to be used on yourself, friends, family, pets, objects, whatever. Since everything is made of energy, it works on everything. You channel healing energy through your hands and the energy itself is the thing which heals; Reiki people are always very careful to not take any credit for healing themselves. The usual metaphor is that we are firemen; we aim the hose, but it's the water which actually puts out the fire. Reiki also emphasizes becoming your personal perfection; whatever that may look like, and indeed celebrating the idea that everyone's personal perfection is different. It involves a lot of positive thinking, such as the precepts it is built on:
Just for today, do not worry.
Just for today, do not anger.
Just for today, be humble.
Just for today, be honest.
Just for today, be compassionate toward yourself and others.
Those to me are ideas anyone can get behind, regardless of upbringing or beliefs.
As I was saying, I decided I wanted to learn this healing method, both for my own benefit and for the benefit of those around me. You have to train with a Reiki master, who attunes you to the energy you will be tapping into later; essentially the master shows me where the outlet is I'll need to plug into later.
Yesterday I began my training and was attuned to Reiki level 1. There are four levels altogether and I know I want to at least learn the first three. With the fourth you also make a commitment to teach Reiki, which I'm not sure is my path or not. But the first three are definitely for me. The attunement ceremony is supposed to be this mystical, spiritual experience, and leading up to it, I found myself worried that nothing would happen to me... I would be waiting for my mystical experience, but I would just be sitting there, and it would mean that I wasn't good enough or spiritual enough or whatever enough for Reiki.
It turns out I didn't have to worry. I can't even describe the entire experience... I'm paraphrasing C.S. Lewis here, but not because it was so vague, but because it was so specific, and I don't have words for it. As Patti stood over me toward the end of it, I had the distinct sensation of something big and heavy moving down through the top of my head, through each of my chakras, until it finally settled in my base. When it reached my chest, it felt so heavy it was almost difficult to breath for a moment. Then shortly after that, it was like the whole top of my head opened up; like there was a hinge at the back of my skull and the whole top third just flapped up. I can only attempt to describe the sensation, but it was divine... pure, white, spiritual, and altogether good. I felt just barely connected to my body, like I might float away at any second, but there was nothing scary about it. It was amazing.
After that it took me a while to really come back into the present. We ate lunch to help ground me, and I found myself ravenously hungry. I'd also been a bit nauseous the past few days every time I ate, but that didn't happen.
After that a friend of Patti's came over, who had just had surgery and would benefit from a Reiki treatment. Patti walked me through my first treatment and also helped me perform it. At first I felt like I really wasn't doing anything and wondered if it was working, but by the end of the session, our patient was in happy tears.
Like any skill, I have to practice it and let it grow. I wish it was already full-fledged and I was perfect at it, but it will take time. That's ok though. I'm looking forward to using my new skill, honing it and learning to trust it, and myself.
This is definitely one of those times I will look back on as the start of something good and wonderful.