Nov 05, 2005 12:25
My good friend and co-worker left yesterday to go to do mission work in Senegal (far west Africa). She's been planning this for years - she loved it when she spent a year there after college and her husband is West African. I have no doubt that she'll be happy, but I'll still really miss her. Luckily she'll be in a big enough village to have email access at her house. It's funny, growing up Catholic in the 70s/80s in a bible-belt suburb, I tended to view Southern Baptists as judgemental people who thought I was going to hell. But she was the least judgmental person I've ever known. It goes even beyond the fact that she's worked mostly for non-profits and helped a lot of people. She's had a good influence on me and everyone around her and made us all smile. Oh and she gave me a wicked looking black knife when she left. It's actually a letter opener hand-carved out of ebony wood, but it looks cool.