EDIT; I'm a dumfuck with a stupid sense of humor. I'm sorry & see next post. /EDIT
I'm sorry to ya'all who are butthurt about not being at BotCon. Yes, I call you butthurt. I do this in love and friendly teasing because it is a convention about TOYS, and even though 3/4ths of the reason I go is to hang with friends, TFCon is better for that.
Distance aside. :D
Besides, in CONVENTION side, you ain't missing out. I keep saying to people that if Brian Savage was A) as enthusiastic about TFs as he is about GI Joes B) HAD someone who was as enthusiastic instead running the con...BotCon would go a lot more smoothly. This year, there is some serious mismanagement.
And from what I understand, it's one person.
Amber is in a wheelchair, so we managed to get her in the registration door about an hour before her time so it's like get in, get out, right? Nice and smooth. Hour passes, and I get in the registration door...and she's still near the back of the line. I get THROUGH my line and she's still there. Apparently, the staff member running her line? Is a ditz. IDK if she was actually slow but when I brought it up to the staff member running ours he kind of rolled his eyes in frustration.
He was fast. And here is where I decided to try and bribe karma for cutting off some people on the freeway, and had already spoken with the people around me in line, and the group of us literally went "okay put us on hold do that line first they've been waiting 3x as long as we have"
"what really"
"yeah dude srsly we're all cool"
BASICALLY I ended up waiting maybe 10-15 minutes more as he did like 2-3 groups? But apparently the people behind me in line kept it going so Amber was out rather quickly and I was all :D!!! (I figured it'd be too much to ask for her to be pulled up, and my logic had been three less in her line = three less for Slow Staff Lady to get through.)
I met up briefly with Mista Wyatt (BotCon won't let him do nonsanctioned signings, I am amused), met another guy who had help produced some stuff for TFA (tech specs), and a staff member I recognized from a few times before helped me with getting boxes he is the biggest sweetie and very efficient at Cons the latter is as important as the former and seriously less than three for him my gawd. Saw Brian, did a quick buttkiss re; "thanks for putting up with some last minute changes on our registration if i don't see the lady plz pass it on" because personal dislike of certain elements aside there is NO reason for me to be a bitch on other things. They got it done before the Con. Now, if he fixed things up during the Con/smoothed them over, I might have reason to highfive him.
Certain ripping-off-artists-who-do-work-for-the-magazine aside, but I think that's Pete's issue, not Brian's.
also i'm hoping this puts my karma (no i don't believe in it it's a figure of speech) at a decent point this weekend so i can get in to lines. D| I HAVE ALREADY USED A FULL TANK OF GAS going to Burbank Airport (Dyemooch), LAX (Lupus), Burbank (Caia), hotel, Target, LAX (Goa), hotel, LAX (Natsume). OI GEVAULT POOR DEYO. Everybody's chipped in gas money, though I lost Dyemooch's. So much for the joke about me being a stripper, I can't keep it in my pants wait that came out the wrong kind of wrong.
Toy exclusives are 1/each this year. Tekno has already been promised a full set of everything, so there's that. I am TRYING to flip my box set for 475 because I want it to MOVE and not take up space at home, and others have 500 listed. There's one 450 but that should move quickly enough that mine will, too.
Oh god what else. No more sexy pillowfights. We do have 6 in the room and one kingsize bed (handicapped room for Amber), HOWEVER since that is also the AAA rate I was able to push the front desk guy to push it TO the AAA rate which is 10 bucks cheaper than Con. The only reall bummer is that the internet binds to a specific computer...so Safeguard is pretty much the bitch atm. I set up a guest account so people could share, but if I could find my phone charging cable I could have linked him to it a la hotspot app. :/
We've already gotten a few jokes, I've been a huge derp as normal (i might have slammed Goa's head in between the door and a shopping cart and then been torn between laughing and screaming in "OMGGGGGG D:" and now she will never let me forget this EVER so if it ever comes up I SAID I WAS SORRY 8( ), I can't seem to move without hitting Amber's bad leg, yadda yadda yadda TODAY I WEAR TEST STAMPY. IT IS DONE. The helm is SHIT and I'm going to experiment with peeling off pieces of paper mache when I get home to try and smooth it down, but for now is its first run w/o makeup.
Crossing fingers that I'll get mail today, too. 8) If not, then by Sunday. Would be a nice end...