Jul 03, 2006 18:24
I've been wrestling with the ideas presented in:
-The Dhammapada
"Live without covetous greed / fill your mind with benevolence. / Be mindful and one-pointed /
inwardly stable and concentrated."
-The Humanist Manifesto (particularly the second one)
"We urge recognition of the common humanity of all people. [...] We are responsible for what we
are or will be. Let us work together for a humane world by means commensurate with humane ends."
-Mountains Beyond Mountains, by Tracy Kidder
"'The sister said, "This is terrible. You can't even get a blood transfusion if you're poor". And
she said, "We're all human beings"' [...] Was being an American a sufficient identity unto itself?"
-and The Player Piano, by Kurt Vonnegut (almost as a side note)
and how they relate to the American dream, my aspirations and my morals.