A Lack of
By: Clarity
Scifiroots (
artoflife_muse /
Archive: Art of Life
Notes: A mix of
ghost_whisper’s “dressing
up” request and
_trilla_’s “Han/Luke and the color white” request (although I
just realized the full details and I don’t have even a mention of H/L
Summary: Pure silliness, a bit of fluff,
based off my shopping ventures today for school clothes and also one of my
reader’s agreements about white not being Han’s color (referencing an earlier
story post of mine). ^_~ Enjoy!
Characters: Leia, Han (non pairing)
“What the
hell is that?”
“Now don’t
get worked up over something that’s no big deal.”
“No big...?
Are you insane? Are we even looking at the same thing, here?”
“Han, it’s
the only image being shown.”
“I’m not going to do it.”
being petulant.”
“I am n-”
“Which, by
the way, means childish.”
“I knew that, thank you!”
“What’s the
problem, anyway? Afraid you won’t look good? Come on, Han, whatever happened to
that cocky “I’ve-just-been-in-a-trash-compactor-but-still-look-good” attitude?”
princess, you might be able to pull this sort of thing off just fine-”
“Why, thank
you. But...?”
“-But white
is not my color!”
Then, a giggle.
“Oh for
goodness sake, it’s my wedding!”
“...I hate
~ * Fin *