Sep 29, 2008 23:37
Leave a comment and I will:
a) Tell you why I friended you.
b) Associate you with something - a song, a color, a photo, etc.
c) Tell you something I like about you.
d) Tell you a memory I have of you.
e) Ask something I've always wanted to know about you.
f) Tell you my favorite user pic of yours.
g) in return, you must post this on your own lj.
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a) same sense of humor: vile.
you're the raccoon.
c) you don't expect anything from anybody.
d) your place, the john, the sound. it was pretty much a horror scene.
e) you got parents or are you a clone or what?
b. i'm the retarded raccoon? :(
e. i was formed from sea foam. like aphrodite, only ... goth.
f. \m/
e) b-b-but i thought goths were spawned from stray barbed wire in graveyards.
e. well, it was a very stormy night. over a series of jagged rocky cliffs. that someone had recently committed suicide on. that goth enough?
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