Dec 14, 2005 17:52
I'm so done with my shopping, oh em gee!!!
Well I got a few more things to get for my mom and brian. But that's it! Woohoo!
I bought myself stuff too sadly. Like these pimpass sunglasses, ear rings, a bag, and a bracelet. seriously. It took my all not to buy more than I did.
Lauren and Jamie, you bitches better like what i got you. You too Juile! jk Love you guys <3
I have this friday off. woo! I want to do something. Like...sleep...sleep...clean out my car...and sleep. Woo! Actually I kniw want to go to pleasure island. But i'll wait for Lauren to get home before i do that.
I want to go to the ice thingy at gaylords. Anyone up for it? I can go anytime this friday and next friday after 7.
Sucks. I'm working ALL WEEK next week. *cries*
Man, I really can't stand working back here in Apples. Lonely, listening to the same christmas songs over and over again. Someone save me.
Today at the mall. I drop my friend Julie's sexy underoos that she was buying and i yelled, "I can't pick it up!!" and a guy walks by and picks it up. realizes what it is, then blushes. It was amazing. I laughed for a good 5 minutes. Thought i would share with everyone.
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