(no subject)

Sep 25, 2005 09:51

ok, so we have to be moved out by the first and we haven't even started to pack our things. I haven't got any boxes yet, but some people are suppose to drop off some today. We really need to go ahead and get a storage space so we can go ahead and start taking things over there. The quicker we can get everything out the better. I'm probably going to be mopping all the floors tonight, in-case the water is turned off tomorrow. Ugh...its going to be so weird when i come to my mom's and not go to that apartment when i want to go home. We will have lived there for 3 years this spring. I will really miss it, despite the grinch of a landlord we had and the damn racoons that kept getting into the trash. I saw the neighbors dog out there once and just the other day there were like 5 racoons on my back porch and they had knocked the trash over. I won't be missing that, for sure. I just think I'm really going to hate living with david's parents, but i don't have much of a choice. So i'm trying not to think of the negative things about it. It's just his dad is so damn weird. I will be in the kitchen at my house doing the dishes or something and he will just come in the kitchen to stare. When I turn around and give him the, 'wtf is your problem' look...he just walks out. I told david flat out how uncomfortable his dad made me feel. He didn't have much of a reply. Good thing is that me and ethan will be the only ones there for the most part of the day so I can bathe or whatever I have to do before they even get home. Besides they have cable, lol. I think what I'm going to do for christmas is when it comes time to decorate is that since i don't have my own place, i will just decorate my mom's house. We will be spending christmas in my aunt's new house this year, which i am looking forward to cause she wants me to come up and help with her christmas tree. I will miss going to her old house cause i practically grew up in that house. I have picutres of my very first christmas in that house. I told her we might need to have one last dinner, lol a moving out dinner. And I think for halloween i'm just going to bring him up here to trick or treat. I know almost everyone here in sale creek and i know like no one where david's parents live. I just don't like the idea of my kid getting candy from people i don't know. Well I better get off here...
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