the fight for the eight-hour dance party

Aug 20, 2007 21:19

At last night's potluck we watched Electric Dreams, a very silly movie from 1982 where a guy and his computer fall in love with the same girl. Madcap adventures ensue. Totally ridiculous. Takes place in San Francisco, though. And the food was awesome. Afterwards, Nate and I were talking about the movie and some of the potluck movies we've seen that were worse than this one, and we started laughing so hard that we couldn't even talk any more. We were reduced to eking out a key word or phrase in between panting laughter: "hahahaha... gold something.... hahahahaha.... secret weapon----hahahahaha... hangglider!----- bwahahaha..." Again, totally ridiculous.

Last night I dreamed that
moxie0 and I and a few other people were bicycling in the rain somewhere that was part San Diego and part Pittsburgh. We had on those cheap rain ponchos and it was raining harder and harder. Our bikes were at some point supposed to turn into boats, and I was wondering how fast I would have to pedal to get mine to turn into a boat because
moxie0 was up ahead of me and his bike hadn't yet turned.

Another very long printing day today, 8+ hours. These days, I listen to headphones while printing--- a travesty, I know... how can I hear if there's something awry with the press?--- so printing sessions double as dance parties. This was pretty much a repeat of Friday, in brown ink instead of orange, finishing up three projects. One of these projects is the new Ker-bloom!, so if you're not doing anything during the day Thursday or Friday, I would love to see you at my studio for some hot collating action. (Yes, I did just say, "hot collating action".)

rain, laughter, dreams, bikes, printing, movies, potluck, moxie, zine

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