NYC 2011

Apr 13, 2011 10:47

Ker-bloom! table, originally uploaded by artnoose.
My long weekend in NYC was pretty great. I took an overnight Megabus there that while cheap really threw my sleep schedule off. I can't sleep on buses so I pretty much stayed up all night. I had brought the audiobook for The Silmarillion to listen to, which was pretty nice because even if I didn't sleep I got my Middle Earth history on at least. I can't believe that originally I was going to take the overnight bus Friday night and go directly from the bus to the book fair. That would have been ridiculous.

Bleary-eyed, I took the subway to DG's Brooklyn apartment and hung out with him before he went to work and then slept until the afternoon. I met up Comrade I and his partner for my favorite dessert. We hung around Loisida for a bit before I met up with DG and his friend for a movie. We saw Source Code which was okay. We walked back over the Williamsburg Bridge, which was my first time walking over that bridge.

Saturday was the book fair which was really fun. DG and I made tofu scramble for breakfast and then I headed out, meeting up with Comrade I and posse there. I saw a lot of people that I hadn't seen in a while and sold a fair amount of zines. I also gave some zines to some zine libraries that were represented there.

After the book fair, I went out with a bunch of current and past Pittsburgh folks. We went to a punk show in Greenpoint. I saw more charged hair at that show than all of Pittsburgh. I walked home all the way down Metropolitan.

Which brings me to this: I did so much walking this time in NYC. I kept wishing I had brought my skateboard, not so much for the speed but the hurt feet. Next time, I'm totally bringing my skateboard.

Sunday was a pretty slow day. DG and I made breakfast again. I walked around Williamsburg a bunch and saw a comic book store that wasn't there the last time I went. I sat in a park and read. When my friend (and former housemate and former bandmate) Meg got off work we met up for tea. I got back to DG's house exactly when A&K showed up from Ohio. It was a big reunion of sorts. We all walked to get falafel and then took a leisurely walk back to DG's house. It was a nice night with a lot of fun people. I made chocolate chip cookies without looking at a recipe. Everyone liked them, but I was skeptical.

Monday the lot of us made breakfast again and then A&K and I went on a walk around the neighborhood before they headed out. It was a beautiful day, 70 degrees, like summer in a good way. I decided to walk across the bridge to meet AC in Manhattan for pizza. Then I wrote a letter in the park and walked back to the apartment. I was pretty tired from the walking so I took a nap. When DG got home we hung out on his roof and then went for a last minute dinner at Food Swings before I headed on the subway to the Megabus.

Again I didn't sleep on the bus and had The Silmarillion going all night. One point I started drifting off to sleep and remembered feeling like I was floating in a tank of water with a British voice off in the distance yammering on about Beleriand.

It was my turn to clean the bathrooms this week, so the first thing I did when I got back to the house was to do that. I figured it'd be better for me to get it over with while I was crazy from sleep deprivation. Orange Kitty was happy to see me and snuggled with me when I took a 5-hour nap. Then I went to a punk show.

traveling, dang, orangekitty, lotr, bookfair, meg, friends, book fair, nyc

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