volume 4 with binding, originally uploaded by
Today I got a package in the mail from Booklyn--- the fourth volume set of my letterpress zine, Ker-bloom!. It looks great.
There are some events coming up at the house, and I wanted to tell you about them, in case you live in the Pittsburgh area.
Saturday, Feb. 12 - 7pm
Our monthly event called the cool-off. Present whatever cool project you've been working on for the past month, or come see what other people have been working on. $2-4 donation to get in, and at the end of the night all attendees vote for whoever did the coolest thing. That person wins half the door money and a trophy. This is always a fun event, but this month is going to be especially cool--- we have word that several people are bringing big-deal projects. I'm calling this month's event the Overachievers' Edition.
Monday, Feb. 14 - all day
As a fundraiser for our house--- who puts on free and low-cost literary events all year long--- we're delivering candy-grams and singing telegrams via bicycle all day on Valentine's Day. You can place a
PayPal order on our website. $5 for a candy-gram, and a mere $10 for candy PLUS a singing telegram, delivered by one of the residents! If you don't know who to send a singing telegram to, might we suggest Bill from
Copacetic Comics in Polish Hill? He's a swell guy who does a lot of good work for the local comics scene. We'll write him a really good song. Or you could force us to sing songs and hand candy to each other.