interior window, framed, originally uploaded by
I've been working a lot on the rooms the past couple of days. It's almost like I can't work on one without working on the other. Sometimes it's a specific correlation--- I can't do this-n-that in one room without doing such-n-such in the other. Once a room with a smaller room off its side, I've been in the process of dividing them such that they are separate rooms.
I made a lot of headway. I finished painting all the window trim and am almost done painting the small room entirely. I also started framing in the windows for the upper half of the partition wall. Nothing says I love you like framing a windowed wall with no power saw, no ladder, and only two hands.
Meanwhile, I'm also taking walks, watching the squash plant take over the yard, playing soccer, being snuggly, making plans for Philly, drawing dragons, and baking cupcakes.