opening up space

Aug 22, 2008 10:28

kitchen sans wall, originally uploaded by artnoose.
M. and K. spent a few days taking out the dumb but load-bearing wall separating the common space with the kitchen and bracing it up so that the third floor doesn't cave in, you know, if we ever have a dance party in the furnace room. The results are pretty amazing, and when the breakfast nook (out of frame on the left) is done, it's going to be a very nice space indeed.

In other news, I had my first day back selling vegan treats at the farmers' market yesterday. It was crazy hot out. I'm also setting type for my new zine.

The house show a couple of days ago was a lot of fun. We did manage to play the two songs that we made the two days prior to the show. I had this idea to start a Clash cover band, but then I listened to the drums for the songs I liked and they're kinda above my current ability. So I thought a Stiff Little Fingers cover band might be in order.

music, band, house, plans, kitchen

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