The Clean South

Feb 26, 2008 15:58

So, the weekend before last, I got a ride with Pittsburgh friend Shaun down to Knoxville, TN--- a whole day of driving in which the tarp nearly blew off the back of the truck several times but didn't. I then spent a week with my friend Beth and her family. I met Bath back in pre-school, so she's basically like family. I watched her 16-month-old daughter during the day while she worked, so I played many many games of Let's Put It On Our Heads and Call It a Hat, Chase You Around the Couch, and of course the ever popular Empty the Box Put Things in the Box. Add to that several episodes of The Backyardigans and dozens of readings of the same board books over and over each day, and you get an idea of how my week was. I did win a game of Trivial Pursuit despite getting hit with one arcane sports question after another. I also made some amazing curry one evening that was at my tip-top upper heat limit.

On Sunday, I got a ride to Carrboro with Beth's mom, who was visiting that weekend from Raleigh. I have had an amazing time here and will be home soon.

kids, traveling, friends

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