Mar 31, 2004 16:46
a little how-to post for high road school employees regarding scheduling of lunch breaks:
if a room has 5 staff members, you could easily schedule lunch breaks so that there are multiple people in the room at any given time. however, if you fuck up and send 4 people on break at once, you definitely can do the following:
1. create an environment where a student with problematic behavior attacks another student and one teacher is alone in the classroom.
2. when questioned by the principals of the school as to why there was only one teacher in the room at the time of the incident, be sure to blame it on the youngest staff member, even though he did what you told him to by leaving the room to watch a child who was already in exclusion for a half-hour before going on break.
and a big fuck you goes out to Louvette Burd, assistant teacher at the High Road School, for following these directions exactly.