[poi] Fan Art: Loosen Up

Nov 04, 2012 17:28

Eah... Long time no see ^^; Work has kept me away from home and fandom T-T
But I got a free weekend! While people are busy with GISHWHES, I somehow used this free time to drown myself in egg tarts (─‿‿─), went to a computer expo, and drew for another fandom for a change. I've been watching Person of Interest because my hubby is crazy about it and ( Read more... )

fandom: person of interest, art: fan art, genre: slash, pairing: finch/reese

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Comments 79

rosslynnie November 4 2012, 12:50:18 UTC
Wow. Just. Wow. Reese's soft expression is just... wow. I know, I'm not very eloquent at the moment, but... wow.

Would love love love to see more of your work in POI's small fandom! You are just...wow (I know, you get the idea) <3


artmetica November 4 2012, 16:23:47 UTC
Wow what an amazing comment xD Thank you so much! Reese is such a dreamy guy ♥
Glad you enjoyed this, sweetie! I hope I can draw more for this fandom too ( ◠‿◠) ♥


hituiwen November 4 2012, 13:18:13 UTC
Cute!!!! Thank you!!! You are very talented artist!!!!


artmetica November 4 2012, 16:25:29 UTC
Aww... Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it! (#^.^#)


quickreaver November 4 2012, 13:36:46 UTC
I don't watch the show but this is beautifully painted, as always, sweetie! I love the way you do hands.


artmetica November 4 2012, 16:26:26 UTC
Haha thank you dear, you're always so attentive to hands! ∩( ・ω・)∩


themostepotente November 4 2012, 14:06:25 UTC
I don't watch PoI, but this is absolutely gorgeous ♥♥♥


artmetica November 4 2012, 16:27:07 UTC
Wuah thank you, dear! ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ ♥


uglybusiness November 4 2012, 14:20:14 UTC

I love this show too. It's so wonderful to see you posting beautiful art for it. :)


artmetica November 4 2012, 16:27:42 UTC
Yay! Thank you so much! It's such a great show ^o^


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