Fan Art: Forgiveness

Jun 18, 2011 15:47

lick_j -> this evil girlfriend of mine kept telling me to watch X-Men First Class, so I did.
Then the movie actually made me want to draw something other than Dean/Cas, I can't get Erik/Charles outta my head!
It's the first time I draw non-Dean/Cas slash since I got into the SPN fandom, like what... almost a year? +_+

Seriously, I've been reading more Charles/Erik fics than Dean/Cas lately *argh*
Castiel, don't destroy me... I'm still a Castian/Castholic and I love you the most!


Artist:artmetica     Rating
:X-Men is not mine.

ETA: PSD file available for download

fandom: x-men, art: fan art, genre: slash, pairing: erik/charles

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