A weird SPN crossover drawing

Jan 28, 2011 18:18

A colleague told me that SPN 6x12 is postponed until next week? WTF!? How dare them! (>へ<) Why-----? T-T *sigh*

Went to Jakarta for a seminar and some meetings. It was exhausting, and I hate crowded cities, ugh! >_< But! Then I went straight home and had some free time to try something. Well, it's more like a weird gift for my bf :p ( Read more... )

fandom: tangled, art: fan art, genre: gen, art: speedy, fandom: supernatural

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Comments 79

transfixeddream January 28 2011, 11:36:44 UTC
Hahahahah DUDE, this is glorious, seriously. Poor Dean - pie's finally betrayed him. D:


artmetica January 29 2011, 15:27:15 UTC
Hehehe thank you! XD


caz2y5 January 28 2011, 12:24:10 UTC
This is AWESOME i haven't had a chance to see this but if i can imagine Dean and Cas in it whilst i watch it then i will probably need to OWN IT! lol.


artmetica January 29 2011, 15:28:21 UTC
Oh thanks! I hope you'll have the chance to see it, it's rather awesome! ^^ ♥


serenada_art January 28 2011, 13:19:30 UTC
Oh, no! You entered! This is brilliant! Again, I ♥ Cas.


artmetica January 29 2011, 15:30:43 UTC
Oh man there are so many awesome and funny ideas already in the entries, I'm using the opportunity to experiment ^^; Thank you!


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artmetica January 29 2011, 15:31:11 UTC
Thanks! XD


petite_madame January 28 2011, 13:47:10 UTC
Wow! Your use of textures is amazing! It's very Disney. It really looks like the production design pictures I saw of Tangled and of some of the Pixar movies.
I think that my favorite part is the way the green chameleon (lizard?) is looking at Castiel XD
Very very good job &heart;


artmetica January 29 2011, 15:34:26 UTC
Woah thank you so much! That really means a lot to me \(^ ^)/
Ah yes, it's a chameleon! I'm glad you noticed XD Thank you so much!

And it's almost February!!! Just sayin' O(≧∇≦)O *so excited*


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