Home sweet home

Jan 14, 2011 09:23

Just got back from my stay at the hospital ^^
Oh man I miss real food! I'm gonna eat some ice cream, yes I am!

It was my first time staying at a hospital, ever. My brother was also staying in the next room, since he had Dengue fever too XD When we were admitted, he was worse than I was. His thrombocyte count was only 20k while mine was 40k (normal minimum level is 150k). My bf was freaking out when he heard, because he had a friend who suddenly collapsed and died at school from internal bleeding (apparently the guy's Dengue fever was asymptomatic and his thrombocyte level had dropped to almost nonexistent). I had a relative who died because of it, too. So symptoms are good.

The hospital's Wi-Fi signal didn't reach my room so I was nearly bored to death. Thankfully, bf visited everyday after work. One of the doctors (the handsome one :p) said there's no real cure for Dengue fever, we just have to wait it out and drink plenty of fluids while the doctors prevent internal bleeding. Once the thrombocyte level stopped dropping and started going up, we're allowed to go home :)

The Dengue fever is now gone, but I'll have to visit the doctor again on Monday and have some more blood tests. Now, onto the fics I missed!! XD


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