Apr 19, 2005 17:20
Today I went to school and normal with some exceptions. : growls: Any who. I went to my core late, not knowing that we had core. Then I went to my three classes and my first I just sat down and was drawing. The second one we meandered and talked about Physics and the forums. As the day went on I grew tired and realized my last class was dance and my shin had been hurting the whole day, but grew painful towards the end. I went to dance made it through with no injures, that I know of. NOw I am at home, about to go to my choreography place and practice for a show. : BLah... sigh: I know have to get all amped up for it and I just ate candy and a teriyaki thing. I believe that I am having an ok day. Still getting ready for someone, painting, working, carpentry and design. Weeeeeeeeeeee!