UPDATE: Artists Beware Closing Date

Jan 09, 2019 18:58

Howdy guys!

The time has come to say "Goodbye" to Artists Beware on LiveJournal. When Cel opened the website for people to look at you all jumped in with gusto using it! This is great!

Artists Beware will be turning off on LJ on January 31st, 2019.

What does this mean for you? It means that you should get over to artistsbeware.info asap to sign up to the new site if you have not already. Entries here will be locked for commenting, we won't be accepting submissions, etc. Full shut down.

We will NOT be deleting the community, nor the DreamWidth mirror; it'll stand here as additional reference because while we are archiving a large majority of the comm to the website; not everything is making the transition over.

Onward and upward, upward and onward!

!mod post

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