Doctors appointment today.

Jul 20, 2005 00:37

Okay, so I'm borderline diabetic and they're making me take my 1 hr glucose test again. How fun. I don't understand why I'm retaking the 1 hr when I should just be taking the 3 hr. Am I correct or totally off line here? I'm not even sure if Medicaid is gonna pay for two 1 hr tests. They wouldn't pay for another AFP when my doctor wanted me to have another one done! They said they don't pay for duplicates of the same test. I'm just hoping I don't get billed for this!! I don't know why they're saying I'm borderline diabetic, though. She said my sugar was 176. This morning it was 198. That's pretty high. Every website says the normal glucose should be 140 or under. I don't know. I'm confused as anything right now. It's okay, though.

I'm also anemic! They gave me a prescription for iron pills I have to take now on top of my prenatals. Great. The iron was making me sick before when I had morning sickness. Now I have to go that route again? I don't think I'd live. lol They're also still monitoring me for preeclampsia because my blood pressure was high today, and I'm swelling even more. I didn't have any protein in my urine, but they said that it doesn't always show up right away. They said if I do have preeclampsia, they're going to take the baby by NEXT MONTH!! I hope to GOD I don't have preeclampsia, because I don't want to have Alayna until at LEAST 37 weeks. 37 weeks is considered full term. I don't want my baby to be unhealthy. That's what I fear the most!!

I have it set up that my paychecks from the webdesign company I work for go straight onto my debit/credit card. (Kind of like a check card.) Well, last night when I checked, it said I had a $540 payment that went through. Before that I didn't have any available credit because I spent the remaining balance on Alayna, and put some into her savings account. Okay fine. So today I go to the grocery store to pick up a few things and I go to swipe my card, do what I gotta do, and it says INSUFFICIENT FUNDS!!!! I just started BAWLING in the middle of the store. lol Thank GOD my mom was with me, because she used her ATM card and tried to get me out of there before I made a fool of myself --- too late. LOL The whole way out of the store I was crying hysterically and trying to dial the number of my credit card, man did I make a scene!! lol It's okay, they saw a pregnant lady having a mood swing, so what?

I had even more of a mood swing when I got outside and actually got a human on the phone from the company!! They said that they made a mistake and accidently took the money OFF OF THE CARD. WTF?! Has anyone heard of that before? So I really gave them a piece of my mind. They said within 14 business days my money will be back on there. Ugh. That's bull. This card is starting to really get on my nerves. Then they ask me if some charges are authorized and THEY WERENT!! SOMEONE CHARGED FRADULENTLY TO MY CARD!! Ugh. So now they want to give me a whole new number, I have to change where my paychecks go to, and everything. THIS IS GONNA BE A WHOLE BIG MESS THAT I DONT NEED RIGHT NOW!!

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