bored...finished math waaaay too early...

Sep 11, 2005 17:20

When was the last time you cried? Tuesday night.
Have you ever faked sick? Yes...most recently yesterday, and then I woke up this morning sick.
What was the last lie you said? That I was sick and couldn't go to work.
Have you ever cried during a movie? A lot of them...the worst though was when I went to see Titanic and I was all cynical about it like "ugh, leonardo dicaprio, just throw yourself off the ship already!" and by the end I was crying so hard that my glasses fogged up.
Who was the last person you couldn't take your eyes off of? That guy at Nepenthe, in Big Sur...San Fran girls, you know who I'm talking about ;)
Have you ever danced in the rain? Many a time. I loved at that one Comedy Sportz game when we all just got drenched and we never felt better :)
Have you ever been drunk? Yeah, but it only happens like twice a year.
Have you ever tried drugs?  Not hardcore ones.
Do you smoke? No, I used to have the occasional cigarette, but then I realized that it's just gross...and there are two packs of parliaments in my trunk.
What's the farthest you've ever gone on a dare? I don't really remember....I think it was running around my dad's cul de sac topless, but others did it with me.
What is your full name? Nicole Tara Hansell.
What is your blood type? O Positive, my parents are the same blood type, that made it easy to figure out!
Have you ever been in a car accident? Several...age 1, age 6, age 16...
How old were you when you received your first kiss? 15
Have you ever had an online relationship? No, an online flirtation everyone once in a while, but not a full on relationship.
Have you ever had phone sex? Ahahah...memories of convention....I ruined it with my foot cramp....
Have you ever been rejected by a crush? Yea :(
What is your favorite sport to play? I used to play softball, soccer, and volleyball. I also danced for 9 years, I guess I like playing baseball with my dad and brother.
Have you ever made a prank phone call? Steff and I prank called Erika Ishii in the 8th grade and pretended to be Sean Connery on the answering machine and her mom called back and asked for Sean and his intentions....
Have you ever said "I Love You" and not meant it? Never.
What's your favorite childhood memory? This is soooo dumb.  My parents said that they were taking my brother and I to palm springs for a long weekend. I was 5 , so naturally I fell asleep in the car. When I woke up it was nighttime and I looked up and saw a million sparkling white christmas lights all over a building.It was the Disneyland Hotel and my parents had actually taken us to Disneyland. That was the first time I remember going there.
Is there anything you have done that you regret? Sooooo many things...
What do you want to be when you grow up?Wiser.                                                                                                                             What is your political affiliation? Democrat.
Have you ever had cybersex? Once, this creepy 40 year old guy IMed me when I was 11 and asked me to "cyber", I told my Mom and I wasn't allowed on Aol for a week.
Do you believe in God? Yes.
Do you believe in love at first sight? I think so.
Do you believe in karma? Abosolutement.
Who was your first crush? Adam Simonoff.
Who do you have a crush on? I'm kind of avoiding that sort of thing at the moment.
How would you describe yourself? Timid, shy, illogical, traditional, naive, young
What are you afraid of? Closed spaces, the dark, Yolanda
Are you religious? To an extent...I believe in a higher power and I've been known to pray, but I'm not sure if I believe in the bible.
What does your screen name mean? It means my Dad made it up when I was in the 4th grade, it makes me sound pompous, and it gives too much information out to creepy strangers.
What person do you trust the most? My brother.
Who was your first boyfriend/girlfriend? James...funny, I don't remember his last name...
What is the best compliment you have ever received? Whenever someone younger says that they look up to me.
What is the meanest thing anyone has said about you? That I hated them.
What is the longest crush/relationship you have had? almost 2 year crush / 2 1/2 month relationship with no last name man.
What is your greatest strength? I have the ability to see beauty in everyone.
What is your greatest weakness? I can't stand up for myself and I avoid confrontation at all costs.
What is your perfect pizza? Cheese, artichokes, and spinach.
What is your first thought when waking up in the morning? Going to the bathroom.
What is your first thought before you go to bed? Many, I stress myself out until I fall asleep.
What college do you want to go to? UCLA or UCDavis
Do you get along with your family? Not as well as I used to.
Do you play any instruments? Nope...I tried to play piano but I got really wrapped up in school work and drama and couldn't devote enough time to it.
What kind of music do you like? 80's, classic rock, alternative
Do you think you're attractive? To a certain extent.
Would you ever get a tattoo? No, I'm scared.
How many piercings do you have? 5 in my ears.
Who makes you laugh? My friends, dirty humor, stupid people
Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours? Mel. And we could probably go 48.
Have you ever seen a dead body? On TV.
Do you have a celebrity crush? Paul Rudd and Luke Wilson.
What is one things scientists should invent? A cure for the common cold...cuz I have one...
Have you ever broken a bone? Yes, 4 vertebrae in my back when I was 6
What happens after you die? This is just my own belief - You choose to either go to heaven or you can be reincarnated and given a second chance to accomplish whatever you didn't in your other lives.
Do you watch or read the news? Occasionally, but I get really emotional about it.
What stereotype would you label yourself as? Loner.
Would your friends agree with that stereotypic label? I dunno. I can be very extroverted one day and a total homebody the next.
If you could change your name, what would you change it to? Something french.
If you could go back in time to one point in your life, where would you go? Elementary school. Those were the days...
If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change? My appearance.
Have you ever gone skinny dipping? Funny story: So Steff, Mel and I are at chili's and we decide to go back to Steff's and go skinny dipping because it's summer and we can. So we're all pumped and ready to go and we walk into her house and her Dad is home...bummer.
Have you ever played strip poker? Yeah, I was drunk and I was playing with Steff and Josh and I lost my shoes.
Would you ever lie to someone to make them feel good about themself? I would never lie, but there is always something nice that you can point out about a person.
What do you want your friends to think about you? That I'm a good person, that I'm fun, that I'm smart, that I have mad sexual skills...ahah.
What's the biggest argument you've ever gotten into? This past tuesday, with my Mom.
Have you ever bitten someone? I bit Mel once, but she bit me first.
When's your birthday? May 11, 1987.
Have you ever stolen anything? No, contrary to Yolanda's belief.
Do you make wishes on shooting stars? awww....yes!
What's the most you've ever eaten in one sitting? An entire horse, muthafuckas.
If you could go back and change one day, what would it be? The day my parents decided to divorce. And every day that they were unhappy.
Do you remember your dreams? Only like 10 minutes after I first wake up.
Have you ever been in love? Not true love, I'm not ready for that yet.
Are you a morning person or a night person? Both. I can wake up really early or I can stay up really late, it just depends.
Do you have any phobias? Enclosed areas, the dark
What's the meanest thing you've ever done to someone? I don't wanna say...
Have you ever been to the hospital (other than birth)? Yes.
How many screen names do you have? Just one.
Do any medical problems run in your family? Diabetes, high blood pressure, strokes, myesthenia gravis, poor eyesight
Has anyone ever been disowned by your family? No, but my aunt disowned my grandparents...she's just a psychobitch.
Have you ever had a nightmare? I still do to this day.
Do you say meaner things to your friends than to your enemies? No...that's a weird question.
Would you ever participate in a threesome? Um...this question makes me remember things and I don't want to get into that.
Would you ever pay for a prostitute? If I were a 40 year old virgin, yes.
Have you ever mooned or flashed someone? I think I unsuccessfully flashed someone once.
Have you ever laughed so hard you peed in your pants? Oh god...there have been so many times where that's almost happened...I love my friends, but damn you guys!
Have you ever written a love letter? Yea, in pink highlighter...he couldn't read it.
Have you ever attempted suicide? No, but I've contemplated it.
Do you prefer boxers or briefs? Boxer briefs.
Have you ever been in a fist fight? No...everyone picture that for a few minutes...and laugh.
Do you have any hidden talents? Not hidden facial expressions...tongue tricks...yea, not so much.
What is one thing you want me to know about you? I've wanted to be in love as long as I can remember.
What is one question you wouldn't want me to ask? How I am doing.
Do you usually prefer books or movies? I love good movies, but a good book is a rare find...I'm extremely picky.
Who is your favorite person to talk to? All of my friends :)
Who is always able to cheer you up when you're sad? My best friends.
Would you ever have sex before marriage? Ok, I don't necessarily want to wait until my wedding night, but I want it to be with "the one", I want it to be special, unforgettable, neverending, amazing. I wouldn't have sex with just anyone.
Who do you talk to most on the phone? Amanda, hands down.
Do you have a secret that you're ashamed of? Yes.
Do you prefer British or American spellings of words? I guess it depends...
Have you ever gotten detention? Nope.
How do you vent your anger? Complain to my friends, cry hysterically, write in my livejournal
Would you ever date someone younger than you? It depends
Older than you? Most def.
Is your best friend a virgin? Yes.
What's a rumor someone has spread about you? Not really a rumor, but I let my friend Dara take my diary home when we were in kindergarten and she told everyone everything I had written.
What's the kinkiest thing you could ever actually see yourself doing? Anything except anal sex...I despise the idea of that.
What's the meanest thing anyone has ever done to you? Not been my friend for no reason.
What's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you? I was having a bad thanksgiving and Steff, Mel, and Marcella came and took me to the midnight showing of Edward was so sweet, too bad I threw up like 3 times when we go there.
Have you ever been diagnosed with a mental illness? No, not yet.
Have you ever cut yourself on purpose? EW! no.
Have you ever wanted to murder someone? No
Have you ever hated someone? Not unless they deserved it.
Do you prefer talking on the phone or online? Online
Do you consider yourself to be popular? Not now, but in elementary school I apparently was.
Would you ever tell the person you have a crush on that you like them? Yes, I used to be really afraid of that sort of thing, but now that I'm older I'd just go for it.
Have you ever had a crush on an enemy? No, but when I like someone I usually pretend that I hate them.
Have you ever had a crush on a best friend? Of course.
What is your favorite book? The Green Mile...Stephen King, lame I know...but this book made me cry so hard.
Do you have a collection of anything? Fortunes from Fortune cookies and movie/concert ticket stubs.
Are you happy with the person you are becoming? I'm not sure.
Are you a different person now then you were 5 years ago? Without a doubt.
What do you see yourself as being in 5 years from now? A single student.
Are you happy with the life you have? I'm making the best of it

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