Hello! This is my first tutorial, so I hope it makes sense!
Today, we're going to learn how to make patterns that you can use on your icons, headers etc. This is for PSP7, but I'm sure it'll translate fairly easily to other versions too. I do not know how well this transfers to photoshop. Please stop asking ;)
It's also written to be very beginner friendly, but if you have any issues leave a comment and I'll do my best to answer them =)
This is what our finished product will look like:
Step 1: Open a blank canvas, and fill it with any solid colour. I used 100x100 canvas and a very dark blue but obviously, you can choose whatever size or colour you like.
Step 2: Open your brushes, and select a custom brush. I used this nice heart one, very kindly made by
Step 3: randomly place your brush over the coloured canvas. I used a white for my brush colour, but again, choose any colour you wish. This is what I did:
Step 4: Now we put in some effects! Along the top of the screen select Effects > Reflection Effects > Kaleidoscope. Here's a screenie if I didn't explain it too well.
Step 5: This is the fun bit! Experiment with your settings until you get a pattern that you're happy with, then click OK. Here's a screen cap of what settings I used:
Step 6: Okay, we have a pattern =D It's still a bit big and unwieldy so lets make it slightly more useable.
Step 7: Go over to where you select your colour and bring up the little sub-menu. It usually appeares when you click on the little arrow. Select the pattern tool (the one that looks like those little nine dots)
Step 8: Open up your pattern menu. You do this by clicking on the main body of the box, not the little arrow. Towards the top of the menu, your pattern should appear. If it doesn't close the menu and reopen it, that usually works. Select your pattern.
Step 9: On the pattern menu, underneath the little picture of your pattern, there will an option called "scale". Fiddle with this setting to make your pattern smaller. I chose a scale of 32 but the key again is experimentation!
Step 10: Open a new canvas and flood fill. Voila! You now have your very own pattern!
Optional Step 11: If you decide you want your pattern in different colours, use the colourise setting and fiddle around with the settings. You can find the colourise setting under the 'Colours' menu, or by pressing Shift+L.
All feedback is appreciated!