Oct 17, 2006 20:09
So yea...im pretty happy right now.
Dont have too much to complain about..actually probally nothing right now except I dont want to do my drawing homework but...otherwise.
Ive been told I am allowed to come home every weekend if I pick up some shifts at Arbys. That makes me so happy. On the weekends I am happy, I need to make more of an effort to see everyone else I love and not just Andrew. Like Carolyn..shes a cool chicka. :D
So yes if youve heard I got pulled over for the first time in my life on saturday night. It was pretty awsome lol.
I was driving Andrew and I back from seeing a movie and earlier that day Andrew told me one of my tailights was out and it being the weekend I didnt think I would get it fixed that day..so my family joked about how funny it would be if I got pulled over for that light being out becuase I drive in the dark more due to the shortened days.
So were driving im less than 2 minutes away from Andrews and I see blues flashing in my rearview..didnt hear them and Im just like..omg is he pulling me over? so I pull over anyway becuase even if he wasnt I wanted to get out of the way.
So Im like..what do I do? so I turn off the car pull down the window and he cop comes over, he looks like hes my age lol he looked so friggin young! lol so yea he asks for my license and reg. and im like..dur! of course while silently being grateful my license slid out of its fold thingy easily lol.
He was very cool asked where I was coming from, asked me how the movie was, asked where I was going, and I informed him that I had only found out that day it was out and that I intended to get it fixed asap but it was harder cuz it was the weekend and hes like Yea I hear that lol. It was funny.
I didnt get a ticket, a warning or anything just a get it fixed. It was so great. I was very calm thoughtout the whole thing and afterwards I told Andrew even if I had been pulled over the speeding then it was my own damn fault. Cops are great lol.
so yea my intro to theatre exam was nothing to sweat about like I thought it would be. Considering I studied today I think I did pretty damn good..and the questions are 2 points each with extra credit
oh yea...on my math quiz...49 out of 55.
I pretty much rule.
Oh yea I also have the best math teacher ever period. ask me why sometimes pretty damn funny stories.
So yes..happy happy happy.