Last night was spent at the Bob Dylan concert:
Katie and I got to the ballpark around 4:45. You may say that is late, but because I am awesome I had a pass to get in fifteen minutes early. Therefore Ty, Katie, and I obtained a spot in the front row to the left-center of the stage. We ended up standing there for six hours but it was worth it.
So it was about thirty minutes before the concert was to start and I was talking to Katie and Ty when I noticed a roadie, standing on the stage and looking at me. He nodded and then tossed me six guitar strings. I have someone's guitar strings, I only wish I knew whose guitar they were from.
The opening band, The Hot Club of Cowtown as I believe they are called, was surprisingly awesome. I would describe them as a bluegrass-jazz fusion type of band.
Willie Nelson and Family was better than I expected, especially since I'm not really into his music. He played some blues songs which impressed me, and his oldest son pulled off a SRV riff during "Texas Flood." All in all it was a good set.
Then came Bob Dylan and his band. Personally, I thought they gave a great performance. The only bad part, in my opinion, was the band over-powered Dylan during some songs, but they were very talented, which made it okay. So many people were complaining because:
a) it was somewhat hard to understand Bob at times
b) he didn't play his most popular songs
c) he played at a different tempo so it was hard to sing
And to those people I say, fuck you. I was pleased that he played some of his "lesser known" songs like It's Alright Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) and Boots of Spanish Leather. I don't know why eighty percent of the people were there. I didn't seem like they actually went because they were Dylan fans. Instead they went because it was Bob Dylan. I was excited that I was only feet away from the man. Who cares if he doesn't play your favorite song. It's Bob Dylan!
Other events of the night included: Katie and I making friends with old drunk couples (Katie more so than me). Us being invited to a "cook out" by a drunk couple. The husband of said couple spilling beer all over Katie's pants. The wife of said couple spilling beer on my foot four times. The same woman attempting to talk to me, leaning her body on me because she was to drunk to stand on her own. A woman proclaiming, "I'm fifty years old and menopausal, but I don't care, I'm getting naked." Two fights breaking out behind us between drunk college students and drunk people in their fifties (stupid fat asses). People smoking serious amounts of weed.
Over all, it was a great time. I just wish they wouldn't have served alcohol. Sorry for the verbosity of this post.