Jun 11, 2015 08:35
My son is eating an apple.
I have been awake since 4:whatever am.
I have an appointment at 1:00pm with a lawyer.
My mother tells me : "you have to let this go."
which sounds, to me, as: get over it.
it has been one week and a half, that He destroyed our bus, and physically threw me out.
My breath was taken away, when my beautiful son grabbed, where he grabbed me, after the day before.
No bruises, otherwise there would have been charges.
I did call a "wellness check" because there was a weapon in the house, and I had no idea what he was willing to do, and I don't want to explain to our son that "Daddy blew his head off".
He says reconciliation one day and torment the next.
My heart may be broken, my spirit is not.