Title: Insides
Characters: Fred, George, Harry, and Ron
Rating: G
Media Used: Pencil and paper
Challenge: Unofficial fanart100 prompt generic hp thing
Warnings: Really sketchy - I have a feeling if i finish 100 sketches, they'll all be pretty crap, and most of them probably won't make it to a colored stage.
Notes/comments: If I ever get around to coloring it, it will be evident that they are in the Gryffindor common room. I promise. :D
I've locked my regular journal and switched to
artisticentropy so if you had any of my pictures in your memories (like
Double Agent or
H/D commission for Darkest Magic) you may want to switch to the corresponding entry in the new journal. :) I wouldn't be adverse if you felt an urge to comment anew/again on the images there either, since all of my feedback is trapped on the old LJ. :P