post b-day fallout

Feb 20, 2007 08:33

Hey everyone! I know I've been awful and not posted for a while! Actually, I *have* had some stuff up lately, but they've been part of exchanges that haven't been revealed yet. ^^

Speaking of which, I received an awesome hpvamp vampentine, if you're a member and haven't read it yet, it's pretty cool!

I feel old! I turned 25 yesterday - a full quarter of a century! I feel like I should do some original art in honor of myself, but I'm not motivated enough XD heh heh. Video games and work have eaten my life. I did get most of my layout back up at and working! Yay for IE not being quite as retarded with the release of 7 - it actually recognizes SOME of the very basic html/css standard code that EVERYONE ELSE WHO MAKES BROSWERS has been able to do for years. Go microsoft! way to sort of suck less! XD Anyone tried Vista yet? I don't want to upgrade until I know it's not going to mess with my tablet and photoshop! :P

My hp_tarot card is almost done...I've been working on it for over a's one of those projects that I've done a little at a time and now I'm just nitpicking it constantly. It *could* be done now, but instead I'll probably keep messing with it until 3/11 - my posting date! ^^;; There's always a million and one little things I see that need fixing, or I want to try adding. Ah well!
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