Nov 09, 2005 16:57
I was not going to leave my apartment today at all but I had class today. I am getting sick of school again it is making it so I can't do anything at all. I get bitched at so much for not having a job but it is not possible with this retarded schedule I have. I am going to start learning how to drive so I can get a few different modeling jobs around town. I have openings at all different schools in the area. Also I am trying to set up a figure modeling painting class, like a weekly not a comittment for a specific time for the painters. Like it would be weekly but they wouldn't have to show up weekly. I am trying to find a place to have this class and a time that would be good. I was thinking monday nights or something but I am not sure. I know alot of the schools have stuff other nights. If anyone is interest in modeling for the class or would be willing to go please post a comment because I am trying to figure out if it is worth the trouble. I have to start doing yoga again, I feel like crap right now and I am so tense. I am getting all kinds of chubby. None of my pants fit anymore without hurting me horribly.