Computer woes

Nov 24, 2010 15:16

So, the computer I built myself in May was honestly never working 100% properly, but it was functioning so I didn't do anything about it because I didn't have the time. Then one day the computer wouldn't wake up (this had happened before, so I didn't think anything of it) so I had to shut if off with the power button on the front.

But then I tried to put the computer back on, and it wouldn't boot. Or I should say, it wouldn't post.

I had determined that the video card was the issue some time ago, so I took it out... it still wouldn't boot... what the hell (the mobo I have has onboard graphics, so I don't need a card). I did all the general troubleshooting things and got the computer to boot. I eventually figured out that the computer will not post if I have anything plugged into the USB ports.... sounds like a mobo issue right? I send it out, I got it back today... and it still doesn't work properly. They didn't fix it and they even DAMAGED it in the process... good job ASUS.

The videocard is completely screwed still, going to call them and get that fixed after Thanksgiving.

I know I have some computer savvy people here, so I'm hoping my question can be answered... how much of a computer can you change before Windows demands a new serial number? I know if you change a computer too drastically in a short amount of time, you need to get a new serial for the OS. Would a new motherboard be too drastic of a change? I don't really have money for a new mobo... but I would really like to have a functioning computer, and if I could find a non-asus mobo to do the job, that would be swell.

I'm just super pissed off right now. I ordered a PCI usb card yesterday, so lets see if putting that in and booting it like that will change anything.
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