Where am I?

Jul 11, 2006 11:53

Oh man did I sleep bad last night. A combination of the humidity and bad dreams of gang kids trashing my car and breaking into my home to take revenge for something I don't think I even did. I think I got the idea from Punch Drunk Love, which tiguh_tiguh wanted me to watch. It was so bizarre, but kind of interesting, and there was a similar situation in the movie. I took revenge by showing her AI.

Actually the reason I'm writing is because I have finished a second draft of the complete script of Shalott. For those of you who came in late, that's my graphic novel updating the vampire mythos for the new millennium with some Arthurian themes for good measure. I think it's in pretty good shape, but it's at a point where I need other people to read it over and tell me if they get it. If you're interested in giving it a read to provide me some constructive criticism, let me know. If you just think it sounds cool and want to read it, I suggest you wait for it to get published. I wouldn't want to spoil the surprise.
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