I'm actually part of the organizing commitee for this year's Pure Speculation Festival, and I was feeling like I wasn't really contributing much aside from the occasional opinion, but then last night the question was asked if anyone would be willing to take on typing and layout for the Festival's program guide, freeing up one of our co-chairs for other duties. I've done layouts for theatre programs before, usually in the 4-8 page range, and I thought to myself "How different can it be?" So I volunteered.
First thing's first, doing the layout in Word was not going to be good enough, and my version of Office doesn't include Publisher. I hopped on the internet and began poking about, and I found that while I could buy the full Professional version of Office ($500) or I could buy Publisher on it's own ($139) I could also download a 60-day free trial version. Seeing as how Pure Spec HAPPENS in less than two month's time, I figured that would do me, and if I decide it's an amazing program and I HAVE TO HAVE IT, I can buy it two months from now, when I'll presumably have a bit of money in my bank account.
Anyway, I now have the program I need but only a very vague idea of how to use it. I'm pretty sure it'll become much less mystifying once I have some material to work with. Now I'm waiting for email. I hate waiting for email.
In other news, we had a Harry Potter Club meetup on the weekend as well.
arwens_dad had suggested a wandmaking bee, and he has tons of woodworking tools and space in his garage, so we went over there for the afternoon. I have about four wands already, and didn't really feel the need for another one even if it was homemade, but I am going to need a staff for my costume for this year's Pure Spec, so I spent my time working on that.
That's right, internet,
artistflop is polishing her staff.
Anyway, I still have a lot of work to do on other costume pieces, but the staff is almost done. Just a couple of things still need to be done, like trimming and smoothing the base. I'm quite pleased with myself.