Feb 08, 2008 21:54
So, on Wednesday last I wrote the last final exam of my undergrad. That's right, folks, no more course work, and NO MORE EXAMS!!! WHEEEE!!!!!!
I start student teaching on Monday, which means that I will suddenly have no time to be online. Facebook will surely languish without my constant visits! It looks like I've got a great school. We went over this morning to meet our principal and get a tour of the school prior to starting. I'm working mostly with the music teacher, but since she's only part-time, I'll be spending the rest of my time in a grade 1 class!
I'm going to have to negotiate a bit with my mentor teachers to allow me to get away from school as quickly as possible on Wednesdays for choir. Regular choir wouldn't be a problem, but I've somehow foolishly agreed to sing for a grad student's lab choir, which means I have to be there at 4:30, instead of 7:00. Not the most sensible decision I've ever made, but he understands that if my mentor teacher wants me to stay, I'm staying, and that's all there is to it. I'm hoping, since it's only once a week, it will be okay, but the fact that Wednesdays are one of my non-music days complicates things somewhat.
This weekend is the Edmonton Choir of Choirs performance. It occurs to me that I haven't actually written about that here.... Choir of Choirs is an event in celebration of the University of Alberta's Centennary, which is this year, it is a massed concert of all of the university's choirs (except for the jazz choir) singing individually and en masse, with the University Symphony Orchestra. All told, there are about 400 people onstage by the end, the choir doesn't all *fit* in the choir loft, and the music we're doing is for the most part epic and bombastic. It's going to be great!
In other news, wedding invites are in the mail, and I've even gotten some replies already. Printing your own wedding invitations is a pain in the butt, especially when your manual feeder's sensors are too far apart for it to detect the reply card envelopes unless you get it placed *just* so. Stupid printer....