... is Shit-kickin' Schoolgirl.
I'm having such a hoot dragging out clothes I haven't looked at in years; the ensemble with which I graced the grocery store today consisted of Doc Marten 8-hole boots, black tights, a red tartan kilt rather on the short side, a black tshirt, and- get this, not making it up- my custom-made purple leather motorcycle jacket.
Oh, don't look at me like that. I had regular access to the back of a Yamaha when I had that thing made for me. So that makes it non-poseur. Yes, it does.
I asked my beloved if it made me look like, as the tart British saying would have it, "mutton dressed as lamb".
"Not to me, you don't," he said, which didn't exactly answer my question. But you know, the main thing required to pull off any look at all is Attitude, and as far as that goes, the Force was definitely with me today.
A momentous moment: today I bought a really huge pumpkin (as the only sizes available were Jumbo, Huge, and Can't Lift It) and lots of bagged candy. Why is that significant? Because this will be our first Hallowe'en as homeowners. Also, it's our Houseiversary. Last year, we took our final house inspection before the sale on the night of October 31st. Even though the house was clearly empty, and dark except for the front porch, some enterprising trick-or-treaters tried the door anyway.
"Not quite ours yet, come back next year!" we told them.
And now it's next year. On November 1st we'll have owned this old house for one year. A lot has happened- and god knows, a lot hasn't happened- but we love it. And we love our new town.
God, I hope we got enough candy, or the neighbourhood kids won't be loving us...
This morning I made a new acquaintance at the gym. One of the Really Buff Girls happened to be wearing the same make and model of mp3 player as I have (it's
this one), and it was so new to her that she didn't actually know how to work it, and asked me for help. I nodded approvingly at the song she was trying to play- my little brother's old favourite, Black Betty.
"You know that song?" she asked, surprised.
"I'm old," I said. She laughed.
Next time, maybe I'll ask for her help- she really knows her way around the free weights.