Ahhh... Reality. How I love to skew you.

Jan 10, 2007 19:41

So, upon further reflection (prompted by a day spent bed-ridden by some kind of stomach bug), I will be postponing my cross-country driving adventure until I return from Europe. I apologize for the tease, but I had to face the numerical facts that saving up for a one-year vagabonding adventure in Europe and beyond while simultaneously driving all over the United States, all in a window of about six months (I leave for Europe this July), is just plain silly. Now, I've got nothing against silliness, but silliness at the expense of my psychological sanity and financial reality is silliness I can do without.

Coming to a City Near You in 2009: Athena Lynn, American Folksinger and Vagabond Extraordinaire

x-country, crysty

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