I decided that this would be a great place to show my progress in some of my pieces that I'm working on... specifically 3D!
In my call Comp-generated Modeling/Design, I have to design:
a) a chess set with a theme
b) Dutch Still Life
c) Car with Nurbs
My Progress:
a) I picked out my theme!!
Now I just have to figure out if I want powerful female/male figures of the past, symbols that represent male/female, so on. I'm aiming for symbols because they are easier to model. XD
Symbols suck as: spear vs chalice, moon vs sun, ying vs yang, male/female bathroom sign,....
any other suggestions would be wonderful!
b) I have pictures!
And here is what I've done so far... This about 12 hours of work (I think).
Got a long ways to go... but I've accomplished a great deal!
c) Nurbs car
Yeah... no. I'm not going to enjoy this at all. All the guys are talk talk talk about the cars they are going to make. I could give a rats @$$ about a car. but i have to make it... So i picked a Audi TT, which previous students told me its the easiest car to model. so there we go!
I haven't started so nothing to show!
That's it so far!