Jun 10, 2006 15:15
vacations have arrived so i'm spending some quality time with my folks. they live in FL. FL = sun.
They just recently moved to a new house. to my horror, i woke up the next day with over 15+ little bumps that itched.... which means the house is infested with fleas. my parents don't get bothered by them for some unknown and aggravating issues, because i have to show them my flea bites and they still can't believe it.
then they said they were not planning to put a screen around the back porch. why bother? No mosquitoes. I sat there for about twenty minutes, and my legs are covered by huge welts.... = mosquito bites.
ack! i'm itching everywhere!!!
dad took us to one of his friend's boat... it was a cloudy day and not very hot, especially with the cool winds caused by the boat. well, i come home, take off my shorts and shirt....
I AM FRIED!! i look ridiculous! nothing like the center part of your body is pale while the rest is red... i looked so ridiculous!! :~(
and it hurts, and i itch. that has been the start of my vacation.
no worries. i'm having a great time! fishing (even though we didn't catch anything) is still fun. just the boat ride alone is a blast! as for fleas, i've been using boroc acid all over the floor and vacuuming it up. so far, i'm gained three new bits. a huge improvement to the 15+!!
that is so far my two weeks vacation.
I hope everyone is having a good time too!